Monday, July 06, 2009

Welcome to Grandpa and Grandma's House

We were paid a visit Friday after lunch by our grandchildren! Unlike previous visits though, this time they would be staying with us for a whole 3 nights so mom and dad could get away for the 4th of July weekend festivities in Land O Lakes, WI. We quickly re-discovered life with very little children. They are mesmorized by the smallest things one can imagine. After not having them for so long......and then having them once again for days, I wondered to myself exactly when in our lives as people do we lose the ability to be mesmorized by simple little things? And who would have thought that tiny little children can teach grandparents a thing or it is entirely possible to eat yogurt with either end of a normal spoon? And when it seems one cannot possibly get any more yogurt out of a cup, all one has to do is reach in with your fingers and you will find even more? Little ones remind you too that there are other ways to communicate besides email and iPhones. Maddy taught me that if she gets her blanket and comes over to stick her finger in my mouth, that means she wants to go to every time.
Mom told us that our 7th month old grandson was a p-machine but we actually found him to be more of a smiling drool machine. Tucker's lower lip looks just a little like my leaky faucet except he doesn't have a built in drain! Mom's instructions warned us that sometimes and for no reason at all, little Tucker would stop smiling and start expressing some wild unhappiness via his vocal chords. We had this exhilerating experience about 7 hours into the weekend.....thank God we knew what it was! Funny thing is, it never once happened again!


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