Thursday, September 01, 2011

It is not how you say it, it is what you are saying....

I think there is only place on earth where people are more keen to security measures in the financial services business arena than the US.....that's right, it is Australia. At the bank today, I learned that ANZ has security officers that walk around the buildings and departments just sort of watching and monitoring. One co-worker told me that when he walked away from his PC once without locking it first, an officer came over, sat down and sent an email to his boss! I couldn't quite understand what he said in the email but the boss wrote back......replied to the email and you can just imagine. They do this to teach a lesson to the people! We were working with some reports today and when we were done with this one pile, I simply grabbed the pages and threw them in the trash can next to my work area....the guy next to me about fell out of his chair diving for the can! He said that if a security officer walked by and saw could be his job! Now all this could have to do with the PAYMENTS area I was working in where employees are literally authorizing millions of dollars in cash movements (between other banks) every day. Anyway, I was very intrigued by all this....

At the end of the day, the guy I was working with (Tony) says he is absolutely "necked". Now I wanted to say listen dude, I am not really interested.....but he laughed and could NOT believe I have never heard that word! I told him I know what naked is, just not necked. Clearly, he was tired. After work I went into a store to do some shopping and when you do this, the clerks come up to you and say "How are you going?". Well, I just said I am not going anywhere but in the store?!? The funny thing is that I would get it if they said, "how are you doing?" or "how is it going?", but nooooooooo, they want to know "How Are You Going". The next time someone says that to me, I am going to say....... "By Walking", that is how I am going!


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